Check out our program's FAQ section for speedy answers :)
What will the participants receive for the programme?
The participants will be given the programme kit which includes Ahlan drawstring bag, programme name tag, programme notes, programme folder, basic stationeries and insurance for participation, beneficial knowledge and fruitful life experiences.
I have a 11 years old child can he/she enter?
Although the programme is designed for 12 years old. 11 years old can also participate, as long as he/she is able to have basic knowledge of handling themselves in terms of bathing and cleanliness. It should be know problem. It is highly encourage for 11 years old and 7 months which means turning 12 years old to participate. Other than that, we do not recommend, due to huge age gap.
Is it ok if my son does not have any experience to sleep at the Masjid.
Yes, it is ok! Previously we had our first ARC, most of them (more than 70 per-cent) are first timers sleeping at the Masjid. No problem at all.
Are there any benefit from sleeping at the Masjid?
Yes. There are at the last 10 nights the Prophet would surely spents his time at the Masjid frequently than any other nights, by just sleeping at the Masjid will earn you rewards. The more act of worship you do for as long you are in the Masjid area you will be rewarded.
What can I prepare my children before the Programme?
Ahlan Academy will provide you a list of things to bring for your reference so to ease your child’s preparation for the event.
What if my daughter has mensus? Can she join the programme?
Yes, she may do so, but she will not be allowed to be in the praying area, therefore Ahlan Academy has secure a specific area for them to sit while waiting for the others to complete their tarawih.
Must my child complete their tarawih?
We, encouraged them to at least perform 8 rak’ah, if they cannot do so, at the very least they can perform 4 rak’ah and then sit at the area that Ahlan Academy has already allocated for them to sit while waiting for the others to complete their 8 rak’ah.
Are there specific guidelines of clothes that my child should wear?
Yes, all ladies should wear a clothing that is suitable and covers the Awrah of a women which is everything must be covered except for face and palms. As for boys, the requirement of the clothing must cover between the knees and belly button, which later will be explained further when Ahlan Academy provides the registered participants with programme itinerary.
Can my child be in the same group with his friends?
Most of the participants are at the age of puberty, since Islam encourages being good with friends, the grouping will be divided into 2 separate genders and the groupings will be randomize. Therefore, they are 50-percent.
How are they going to have their iftar?
Iftar will be separated from the general public. We will ensure that the group will eat together and not separated. We will also be observing the participant’s allergies for the menu preparation for iftar and sahur.
Can parents come and see their children?
We encouraged the parents to see them from far during the programme, since the Masjid is open for public, it is allowed for the parents to come in and join the tarawih. There is a session that they can join in with the participants which will be tour de-ARC. This is where all parents are invited to come and see at the participants presentation in a booth set-up.
What if my child wants to go back at night?
We would encourage them to stay the night and have the first time experience of enlivening Ramadhan and enlivening the sunnah of the prophet during the month of Ramadhan. This way they will reap the rewards and the experience of staying overnight at the Masjid.