A 3-year part-time Islamic Studies programme for 11 to 14-year-olds where students will learn Aqidah, Fiqh, Akhlaq & Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in Madinah using the Quran and Hadith as our main sources.
A variety of essential Islamic subjects, along with character development & leadership skills are infused within this programme.
A variety of essential Islamic subjects, along with character development & leadership skills are infused within this programme.
The core of Ahlan Scholar’s curriculum is the Quran and the Hadith that we can find in all the Aqidah, Fiqh, Akhlaq and Sirah lessons, by doing this, the students will be ale to understand the true purpose and responsibilities as Muslims that we can practice in our lives, in order to achieve blessings from Allah both in this world and hereafter
The Ahlan Scholar programme will focus on this hierarchy:
The Ahlan Scholar programme will focus on this hierarchy:
- Primary Focus: Quran and Hadith
- Secondary Focus: Islamic Beliefs (Aqidah), Islamic Ethics (Akhlaq), Islamic Code of Life (Fiqh) & History of the Prophet (Sirah).
- Tertiary Focus: Emotional Intelligence and Basic Arabic Vocabulary
At Ahlan Academy, we provide lessons beyond the classroom with a student-directed learning approach. This opens room to interactive discussions, research, and presentation tasks. Field trips a are also part of the students’ learning process. They will also have the opportunity to organise events such as a student-led consultation or even an internal workshop.